Boost Your School's Enrollment Performance

with a Sales Coach

  • Improve Enrollment Performance

  • Get better ROI on Marketing Efforts

  • Get a Competitive Edge

Are You Ready To...

Improve Enrollment Performance

A sales coach can provide training and guidance to admissions staff to improve their sales skills, streamline the sales process, and implement effective follow-up systems.

This leads to increased enrollments for your school.

Get better ROI on Marketing Efforts

By aligning marketing and sales efforts, a sales coach can help your school achieve a better return on investment for your marketing campaigns. They can also provide insights into which marketing strategies are most effective in attracting new students.

Get a Competitive Edge

In a competitive education industry, hiring a sales coach can give your school a competitive edge. A sales-centric approach to admissions can help you achieve consistent revenue and peace of mind, while ensuring that you don't lose out on admissions to your competitors.

If So, Schedule Your Call Today!

Hi!  I’m Tom Schenck

Dear Friend,

I know how stressful it can be when you're struggling to meet your revenue goals. It can keep you up at night and take the joy out of serving your faculty and students. That's why I want to share with you the #1 leverage for success: becoming sales-centric.

Our complete Done-For-You ENROL System is guaranteed to remove the mystery from achieving an abundance of applicants and cash flow. We will work with you to build a bespoke system that is tailored to your institution's unique needs and goals.

If you're interested in learning more about how our ENROL System can transform your admissions process and increase your enrollment, I invite you to join me on an admissions call. Together, we can explore if this system is the right fit for your institution.


Tom Schenck

What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

Robin Jarchow
Head Of School

Tom's Dynamic personality and creative approach helped change our team's mindset from passive to proactive... They became empowered and added over 2,000 more referral sources, and dramatically increased our applications in 3 months!

Todd Eckenfelder

Director of Residential Admissions George Stevens Academy

Tom. So much of the inspiration behind this creative output, what we are doing now, and what processes we will use moving forward have been heavily influenced by your guidance and inspiration, and most importantly, your encouragement

Alan Haas


Tom, It is good to know that you remain committed to 'vanquishing evil' and promoting opportunities for youth around the world to become all that they are to become. Yours is a life well spent. Well done!"

Peter Thorp

Headmaster Emeritus

Tom Schenck is a leader in the field of independent school admissions-a brilliant combination of decades of experience with tried and true approaches with imaginative outside-the-box strategic thinking that's so important in these unprecedented and challenging times.

Clara Duff


Tom's careful, attentive, and supportive guidance, along with his ever-upbeat presence, were invaluable to me in my daunting task of doubling our institution's Annual Fund. From dealing with boards to dealing with donors, from the basics of board reports to holistic mantras of encouragement and healthy attitudes, I was empowered with every consultation. Tom's personal experience in the trenches of leadership, institutional operations, and marketing, along with his personal positive energy, make him a gem of an ally.

Anthony McHale


I have known Tom for forty years and in that time I have developed the highest regard for him as a trusted and valued colleague and a dear friend. He is a man of exceptional kindness, grace, generosity, and achievement. Over the course of his life and career, he has developed the valuable skills of adapting to adversity and problem solving with exemplary self-discipline, open-mindedness, cooperation, and patience. And perhaps Tom's greatest gift is the fact that he never fails to find the inherent good and potential in people and organizations....

Michael Robinson

Head Of School Stuart Hall School

Regarding the materials you've created, I think you're a master teacher. There is an obvious pedagogical organization that would make any admission officer feel incredibly encouraged and excited by the opportunity to grow. I could hear a rookie or experienced pro looking at this and saying to themselves, "this will take me to the next level; it's the secret sauce that makes some people great!

Joseph Loftin
Headmaster Emeritus,
Wasatch Academy

Throughout my three plus decade tenure as the Head of School of Wasatch Academy I have had the privilege to associate with Tom Schenck as a friend, colleague, employee, and consultant.

Regardless of circumstances Tom maintains a high level of enthusiasm towards life. This attitude nurtures his extraordinary capacity for empathy and forward-thinking when addressing institutional challenges and matters of concern impacting individuals and organizations.

Wasatch Academy has benefitted from his leadership as the Head of Advancement during his five years of service in this role and his wisdom and knowledge as a consultant over the last five years.

Tom's vast experience at Independent Schools as a teacher, coach, admission director, head of advancement, and Head of School gives him a depth of insight regarding school operations and governance invaluable to administrators and trustees.

Ready to 3x Your Leads and Enrollments?

Exclusively For Heads of School and College Presidents.

Build Your Profitable, Lifestyle Brand Online

Are you not attracting enough clients and customers?

And you just wish someone would show you the exact steps to get new clients online?

If so, then I’d like to grant your wish…

Because, for a limited time, I want to give you my new workshop that has the power to take your brand from zero to 6 figures…

As quickly as possible.

It’s the same step-by-step strategy that I’ve used to build multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses that let me be my own boss, work where and when I want, and ultimately build a business that provides for my loved ones.

You see, I worked in Hollywood for 15 years (at Disney, Warner Brother, 20th Century Fox and more, on such blockbusters as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Ironman).  

I wanted to launch an online filmmaker academy but had no clue where to even start!

This led me to create a simple, step-by-step system that lets you build your online brand, even if you… 

  • Don’t know your niche
  • Can’t stand tech
  • Have no brand name
  • ​Have no money for ads
  • ​Have no offer to sell 

This system pieces together all of the industries ‘best practices’ in order to create a straight-forward, A-to-Z brand building system that works for any business owner who wants to feel creative, instead of overwhelmed.

Best of all, this system works in any niche, including:

  • Health & Wellness
  • Relationships
  • Business Coaching & Services
  • ​Marketing 
  • ​Social Media
  • ​Life Coaching
  • ​Accounting & Finance
  • ​Parenting
  • ​Pet Training
  • ​Brick and Mortal

…and more!

And it comes with BONUS trainings specific to anyone wanting to sell courses or high ticket offers online.

Today is your day to get one step closer to being your own boss and making a difference in this crazy world.

BTW, I've worked for some blockbuster brands...Imagine what I can do for you!



Our Step-by-Step System condenses 10 years of trial and error into as little as 90 days. 

Sounds too good to be true? 

That’s what stick rubbing, fire making cavemen would have thought if they were introduced to a lighter…

Or what people, just 30 years ago, would have thought if you told them they can talk to Facetime anyone in the world instantly instead of traveling for days.

We can keep going with examples but we’re sure you get the point by now… 

YOU’RE the caveman in your business whether you’d like to admit it or not… 

And our System is the time machine that is here to save you and your business by removing all of the trial & error, wasted money, endless hustling, revamping & fine tuning of your message and brand. 

Why Choose Us?

No one else offers a complete, A-to-Z brand building system.  Sure, there are tons of options out there...ranging from low-price memberships and courses...all the way to $10k 'High Ticket' programs.

All of those focus on one just one piece of the puzzle.  Visionary Planner gives you the whole thing!

  • Vision - Get clear on your business plan and metrics to hit.
  • ​Audience - Clarify who you serve, and what transformation they wish for!
  • ​​Message - Create a simple message that gets your audience excited!
  • ​Your Story - Pinpoint why you are passionate to make a difference.
  • ​Teaching Process - Define how you help your clients, then create a foundation for your content, offers and upsells.
  • ​Offer - Create messaging so your offer is exactly what your audience wants.
  • ​Visual Branding - Develop a gorgeous brand that you're proud to share.
  • ​ Channels - Build out the platform to share your message with your audience.
  • ​Website - Build a site that creates trust, grows your list and converts visitors!
  • Social Media - Plan out your social channels so they funnel leads into your brand.
  • ​Funnels - Know how to layer your messaging into funnels that attract your dream client.
  • ​Content - Develop evergreen content that saves you time (and makes you $).
  • ​ Evergreen - Create a library of evergreen content that educates and entertains.
  • ​Weekly - Develop strategic weekly content to fill your pipelines with leads.
  • ​Monthly - Have heavy hitting content marketing assets like webinars so you can reach your audience and generate buzz.

60% of new businesses fail in the first 3 years. Don't let that be you...

Asset Blueprints

Help you plan everything out.

Instruction Manuals

Help you build everything out.

What Do You Get Inside The Visionary Planner?

The Planner is designed for small business owners, course creators, coaches and influencers who want to clarify their message and share it. 

It works if you're starting out or an established business ready to take your branding to the next level.

  • Blueprints & Instruction Manuals make building key assets easy!
  • Get world-class support with bi-weekly coaching calls!
  • Upgrade to Build Outs so you can avoid tech, copywriting and graphics!
  • Finally feel confident that you have what it takes to make an impact!
  • Upgrade to have a dedicated Accountability Coach to make sure you hit your goals!
  • ​Enroll today, and get a BONUS Vision Setting Workshop so you can lock down your niche and core message.

Hit Your Monthly Client and Revenue Goals As Quickly As Possible

In order to get clients, you need 2 important things...

1) A Compelling Story

2) A Compelling Character

The reason Hollywood is a billion dollar industry is all thanks to stories centered around compelling characters.  Stories capture the hearts and minds of their audience. 

A great brand does the same thing.  

If you can't communicate what you do, who you do it for and why your audience should pay attention to you...

And if you don't position yourself as a compelling character who can help your audience overcome obstacles, then they simply won't pay attention.

The Visionary Planner helps you clarify your message.  

It features Hollywood storytelling techniques from a person who has sold major story concepts to studios,  It will help you develop yourself into a compelling character based off the same principles our founder used to bring iconic characters like Ironman, Mickey Mouse, Gollum and Shrek to life.

Your audience is waiting for you.  Ready to step on stage?

Make An Impact Doing What you Love

  • Avoid costly mistakes by following a proven, simple process
  • Get out of the 1-1 client cycle by automating your expertise and launching an online course
  • Stand out in saturated markets and finally get paid what you're worth!
  • Quit your day job and finally be your own boss
  • Learn how to sell without being salesy or using sleazy sales tricks
  • Clarify your messaging using Hollywood storytelling
  • Stop treating your business like a hobby, and start growing your impact and income
  • Build a brand that lets you do what you love (and avoid what you don't)
  • Build predictable income streams that provide for your family's financial future
  • Pick your authentic niche and laser in on your dream client
  • Trust yourself enough to stop aiming for perfectionism, and instead aim for a solid 1st pass

Stop Figuring It Out On Your Own...

  • Follow along in a step-by-step system to get paid to make an impact
  • Get feedback and project management from a team of brand building experts
  • Build key projects out with detailed over-the-shoulder instructions
  • Avoid tech overwhelm by building your brand with user friendly, low cost tools
  • Save time by following our proven strategies and processes
  • Be ready to launch and grow your revenue as fast as possible!
  • Create a brand foundation that lets you make a difference
  • Leverage Hollywood storytelling techniques to help your brand stand out!

What Will We Create?

In order to attract an audience and convert them to clients, you need to build the right foundation for your brand. The Visionary Planner® lets you focus on creating your foundation one activity at a time.  

Instead of piecing together a strategy from other marketing experts (which rarely ever connect), we’ve strategically strung them all together so you can just follow along, feel creative and enjoy the journey.

Things We'll Plan & Build:

  • Vision - Get clear on your business plan and metrics to hit.
  • ​Audience - Clarify who you serve, and what transformation they wish for!
  • ​​Message - Create a simple message that gets your audience excited!
  • ​Your Story - Pinpoint why you are passionate to make a difference.
  • ​Teaching Process - Define how you help your clients, then create a foundation for your content, offers and upsells.
  • ​Offer - Create messaging so your offer is exactly what your audience wants.
  • ​Visual Branding - Develop a gorgeous brand that you're proud to share.
  • ​ Channels - Build out the platform to share your message with your audience.
  • ​Website - Build a site that creates trust, grows your list and converts visitors!
  • Social Media - Plan out your social channels so they funnel leads into your brand.
  • ​Funnels - Know how to layer your messaging into funnels that attract your dream client.
  • ​Content - Develop evergreen content that saves you time (and makes you $).
  • ​ Evergreen - Create a library of evergreen content that educates and entertains.
  • ​Weekly - Develop strategic weekly content to fill your pipelines with leads.
  • ​Monthly - Have heavy hitting content marketing assets like webinars so you can reach your audience and generate buzz.
  • Vision - Get clear on your business plan and metrics to hit.
  • ​Audience - Get clear on who you serve, and what transformation they wish for!
  • ​​Message - Create a simple message that gets your audience excited!
  • ​Branding - Create a gorgeous brand that you're proud to share.
  • ​Website - Build a site that creates trust, grows your list and converts visitors!
  • Teaching ​Process - Define how you help your clients, then create a foundation for your content, offers and upsells.
  • ​Marketing Plan - Strategize how you'll attract an  audience without busy work.
  • ​Content - Develop evergreen content that saves you time (and makes you $).
  • ​Offer - Launch an offer that is exactly what your audience is wanting.
  • ​​Funnels - Effortlessly build funnels that attract your dream client and cashflow.
  • ​Social Media - Plan out your social channels so they funnel leads into your brand.
  • ​Sales System - Never again drop the ball when leads want to work with you!
  • ​Lead Gen Strategy - Content marketing, email outreach, podcasts or ads...here you will pick which works best.

Asset Blueprints

Help you plan everything out.

Instruction Manuals

Help you build everything out.

Copyright © 2023 Dartmouth Associates. All rights reserved

As A Member, You'll Get...

Create your brand, clarify your message, design a lead acquisition strategy that works, and get coaching to make sure you build it all the right way.  

Your Membership Includes:

  • 4 Step System - Never again figure out what to focus on
  • Asset Blueprints - Plan revenue generating assets fast
  • Asset Instruction Manuals - Build those assets out efficiently
  • 1-1 Accountability Coach - Stop trying to build your brand on your own
  • 2 Day Virtual Workshop - Clarify your message and market
  • 1-1 Accelerator Session - Brainstorm your brand's roadmap 

Step-by-Step System

This system will help you stay focused on building your brand the right way. It contains projects. Each project builds upon the next so you can build your brand as rapidly as possible without getting sidetracked.  ($8396 value)

Project Blueprints

Blueprints help  you plan every project you'll need and then efficiently know how to build them.  Projects include website, social channels, content, lead acquisition funnel and emails. ...EVERYTHING! (Priceless)

Instruction Manuals

Build projects out using over-the-shoulder instruction videos.  We'll guide you to build it all inside the industries top tech platform, which has a low monthly fee, and that you have ownership over.  You can also upgrade to have us build it all out for you. (Priceless)

LIVE Q&A with Mike

These live Q&A Sessions get your questions answered.  Every other week we'll hotseat a few members so you can learn from other's mistakes, and ultimately develop the best version of your brand possible! ($4800 value)

Private Facebook Group

We want you to feel supported!  That's why you'll get access to an exclusive group full of fellow Visionaries.  You'll be able to network, swap ideas and talk to other business owners who are on the same journey as you. (Priceless)

Mindset Sessions

Let's face it, you can be your own worst enemy!  From second guessing yourself all the way to not feeling anyone will pay you what you're worth, these monthly group sessions will let you feel the love and support of like-minded, heart-centered entrepreneurs all on the same journey as you. ($2388 value)

Marketing Challenges

Marketing tactics change on a monthly basis.  That's why these marketing challenges will share the latest 'what's working now' strategies.  Then you'll be 'challenged' to share your message and make a bigger impact! ($2388 value)

Kajabi Quick Start Course

You need to share your message, not get stuck by tech!  That's why we'll show you step-by-step how to build your entire brand inside of Kajabi.  It's a low cost, all-in-one solution that makes being a small business owner easy and cost-effective. ($99 value)

Template Toolkit 

Not sure how to market?  Not confident in your writing skills?  Just wish you had fill-in-the-blanks templates for sales pages, video scripts and emails?  These marketing templates are just what you need to confidently share your brand. ($399 value)

Tech & Graphic Clinics

Tech is the #1 obstacle stopping Visionaries such as yourself.  That's why you'll be able to attend 2 monthly clinics where our team will help answer your tech questions.  We'll also be able to coach you on how to create amazing graphics in canva so you can avoid outsourcing costs. ($2376 value)

Camera Confidence Course

Not confident in being on camera and shining as bright as you can?  This course will teach you Hollywood on-stage techniques Mike learned from studying from some of the best acting coaches in the industry.  You'll also get video filming and editing lessons so nothing will stop you from sharing your message. ($499 value)

Business Setup Course

New to business?  No worries!  This course will recommend the best way to start up and get a legal entity.  It comes with lawyer approved legal documents so you won't have to worry about the things you don't know.  ($199 value)

Vision Setting Workshop

So many Creators build brands that trap them.  This sucks the joy out of impacting others, and steals their time away from making memories with their loved ones.

That's why this workshop helps you map out your Vision for your lifestyle and business.  We want to coach you to build a brand that sets you free (instead of trapping you).

You'll get instant access as soon as you enroll!  

Simply click the button below now, and get started today for just $1.

Blockbuster Brand Workshop

Building your brand is complex, so to make it easy, you'll get access to an online 'Blockbuster Brand' workshop.  You will plan and get feedback on 4 key parts of messaging you must clarify.

You'll get breakout sessions, feedback and masterminding to help you blast through the core concepts of the Planner as fast as possible. Then afterwards you'll get a Personalized Plan that lets you know the exact Projects to focus on.

Join Our Community Of Creative Entrepreneurs 

On A Risk-Free 30-Day Trial...

For Just $1


Start building your brand today for just $79! That's just $2.63 a day to build a brand that impacts others and gets you paid to do what you love...

Or 100% commit to your vision by enrolling in our Blockbuster Brand Workshop that comes with a full year access to the Step-by-Step System, Blueprints, Instruction Manuals and tech & graphic and project reviews from our team.  

Book a demo

 Join Today

Plan Your Vision

Build Your Brand

Click that button, then on the next page tell us more about your business.  After that you can pick a time to get a demo of the Planner and see if it's the right fit for you.  

Membership Levels...

TOTAL VALUE: $20,747  JUST $1!

The online course industry will reach $435 billion by 2030.  Don't miss out!


1 Year Membership

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls  

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions


  • 4 Part System
  • Project Blueprints
  • ​Instruction Manuals
  • Orientation Session
  • ​1-1 Accelerator Session
  • ​Fast-Track Workshop
  • ​Personalized Action Plan
  • ​2 Months Accountability Coaching
  • ​5 Private Accountability Calls  
  • ​Weekly Implementation Sessions
  • ​Weekly Office Hour Calls
  • ​Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions


1 Year Membership

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls  

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions

⚙️ Blockbuster Branding Package

⚙️ Website Build

⚙️ Call Funnel Build

⚙️ Offer Learning Portal Build

  • Everything in 'Do It Yourself'' 
  • Blockbuster Branding Package
  • Website Build
  • ​Call Funnel Build
  • ​Offer Learning Portal Build​​


1 Year Membership

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls 

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions

⚙️ Blockbuster Branding Package

⚙️ Website Build 

⚙️ Call Funnel Build

⚙️ Offer Learning Portal Build 

⚙️ FB Group Funnel Build 

⚙️ Lead Magnet & Slidedeck Layout

⚙️ Copywriting of all Funnel Assets 

🛎 6 Private 1-on-1 Milestone Calls

  • Everything in 'Done With You'
  • FB Group Funnel Build
  • ​Lead Magnet & Slidedeck Layout
  • ​Copywriting of all Funnel Text and Slides
  • ​6 Private 1-on-1 Milestone Calls


2 Day Live Virtual Event

Perfect if you're starting out and want a step-by-step system to build your brand, automations, offers and marketing

  • Step-by-Step System keeps you focused
  • ​​1 Monthly Course Unlocked
  • ​2 Monthly Group Sessions with Mike 
  • ​2 Monthly Mindset Sessions 
  • ​Monthly Marketing Challenge

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls  

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions



1 Year Membership

Perfect if you want coaching to review your work and keep you on track.

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls  

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions

⚙️ Blockbuster Branding Package

⚙️ Website Build

⚙️ Call Funnel Build

⚙️ Offer Learning Portal Build

  • Step-by-Step System keeps you focused
  • ​​1 Monthly Course Unlocked
  • ​2 Monthly Group Sessions with Mike 
  • ​2 Monthly Mindset Sessions 
  • ​Monthly Marketing Challenge


2 Day Live Virtual Event

Perfect if you want to clarify your message and boost revenue.

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls 

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions

⚙️ Blockbuster Branding Package

⚙️ Website Build 

⚙️ Call Funnel Build

⚙️ Offer Learning Portal Build 

⚙️ FB Group Funnel Build 

⚙️ Lead Magnet & Slidedeck Layout

⚙️ Copywriting of all Funnel Assets 

🛎 6 Private 1-on-1 Milestone Calls

  • 2 Day Virtual Event
  • ​Live Work Sessions & Feedback
  • ​8 Students per a Coach
  • ​Website & Marketing Plan Review
  • ​Private Next Step Session

Get Clarity On Your:

  • Audience
  • ​Competition
  • ​Message
  • ​Audience Story


2 Day Live Virtual Event

Perfect if you're starting out and want to get clear on your vision and message. Works for any business type.

  • Access to Steps 1-3 Training Modules (12 Month Access)
  • Brand Implementation Session

Get Clarity On Your:

  • Audience
  • ​Competition
  • ​Message
  • ​Audience Story

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls  

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions



1 Year Membership

Perfect if you want to take your marketing and automations to the next level.

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls  

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions

⚙️ Blockbuster Branding Package

⚙️ Website Build

⚙️ Call Funnel Build

⚙️ Offer Learning Portal Build

  • Steps 1-6 Training Modules (12 Month Access)
  • Project Blueprints
  • ​Instruction Manuals
  • Orientation Session
  • ​Personalized Action Plan
  • 2 Months Accountability Coaching  
  • ​12 Months of Office Hour Sessions
  • 12 Months of Implementation Sessions 


1 Year Membership

Perfect if you want to accountability coaching and help with graphics & tech.

🖥 4 Step System

🖥 Asset Blueprints

🖥 Instruction Manuals

🚀 Orientation Session

🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session

🚀 Fast-Track Workshop

🚀 Personalized Action Plan

🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching

🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls 

 📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions

📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls

📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions

⚙️ Blockbuster Branding Package

⚙️ Website Build 

⚙️ Call Funnel Build

⚙️ Offer Learning Portal Build 

⚙️ FB Group Funnel Build 

⚙️ Lead Magnet & Slidedeck Layout

⚙️ Copywriting of all Funnel Assets 

🛎 6 Private 1-on-1 Milestone Calls

  • Everything in 'Brand Incubator'
  • ​1-1 Accelerator Session 
  • ​2 Private 1-on-1 Milestone Calls 
  • ​Visual Branding Package
  • ​Website Build
  • Social Media Banner Graphics
  • ​2 Months Social Media Growth & Engagement

Click the button below to book your demo so we can help you decide which membership level is best for you!

Click that button, then on the next page tell us more about your business.  After that you can pick a time to get a demo of the Planner and see if it's the right fit for you.  


Discover the 6 Simple Steps To Premiere Your Blockbuster Brand That Makes a Buzz!

92% of people NEVER hit their goals (1). 


Because their goals aren’t specific nor challenging enough.

Think about that...

Just as I did back in the day, entrepreneurs, experts, and mentors blindly jump into building an online brand without the right goals to guide them.

It’s like trying to fly a plane without going to pilot’s school.

Their lack of specific, actionable goals never gets them the business they want. Instead, they waste years staying stuck in the mud or they get a business off the ground that leaves them worse off than they were before.

That’s why you need to set goals that leverage the time you have to build the business of your dreams. Anything else simply won’t do.

Goals that help you: 

  • Get paid to do what you love.
  • Start at the right step with a concrete plan and message.
  • Follow realistic timelines.
  • ​Stand out in a competitive space.
  • Make the most of your time.
  • Serve, attract, and inspire the right people.
  • Avoid ‘information overload.’
  • Prioritize your online business.
  • ​Free up your time.
  • Get referrals like crazy.
  • ​Position you as the go-to person in your niche.
  • ​Strategically expand your business.
  • ​Start doing the things you love and stop doing the things you hate.

Until I created The Visionary Planner®, nobody had taken the best-of-the-best practices and strategically packaged them into a straight forward, step-by-step business building system.  

Let me show you how that plan came together...   

STEP 1 Of 6

Define Your Vision

Timeline: Within Month 1

Discover how to create a rock-solid foundation for your brand so the online business you want rewards you with the lifestyle you need.


  • Create your roadmap: define your dream lifestyle then develop a business plan that makes it your reality. 

Bad Strategies  

  • You start taking action without a plan to guide you. 
  • You skip this step and pay for it every step after.
  • You buy incomplete courses, seminars, and masterminds.
  • ​You piece together tactics, strategies, and solutions from various sources.

Bad Results

  • No matter how far you get, you’re forced to start over from scratch.
  • You don’t know what to do, how to do it, or where to turn; you bleed time and money at every corner.
  • You’re forced to give up before you go broke.
  • ​You build something nobody wants.

Smart Strategies  

  • You have realistic expectations to keep you motivated and on-track.
  • You have clear goals to guide you every step of the way. 
  • You have a feel for budgets and timelines before you start spending.
  • You plan ahead to build the business you want.

Smart Results

  • You see real results—measured in time and money—in record time.
  • You maximize every minute and dime you have dedicated to this.
  • The process is as smooth, simple, and stress-free as possible.
  • ​You build the business you need for the life you want.
As soon as you click the button above you can book a short demo with us. This will let you see how our A-to-Z system applies to your business. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

How To Achieve Smart Results:

The #1 reason businesses fail is their lack of specific and actionable goals. Get clear on the lifestyle goals you want your business to reward you with before you start building it. Remember, you are the Visionary. Create the roadmap to take you where you want to go before you start the journey.  

  • Discover what you’re best at.
  • Harness the power of your unique strengths

  • Clarify your business vision and goals
  • ​Understand your numbers and profit plan
  • ​Find clarity to start the right business the right way.


So, What’s The Point?

You’ll never reach your destination if you don’t know where you’re going. Start with the end in mind to define that destination before you march towards it.

Once you’ve done that, you’re ready for step 2... 

As soon as you click the button above you can book a short demo with us. This will let you see how our A-to-Z system applies to your business. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

STEP 2 Of 4

Plan Your Brand & Messaging the Right Way

Timeline: Within Month 1

Discover the Visionary way to approach your branding and messaging. 


  • Dive into the wishes, dreams, fears and phobias of your dream client so you can strategically create the brand they’re looking for.
  • ​Set the stage to become the ‘go-to brand’ in your niche by strategically developing your brand name, logo, emotions, and identity (hint: go beyond colors!).
  • ​Craft your marketing messaging and unique selling points to generate excitement and interest in your brand.
  • ​Incorporate your new message into a gorgeous website that finally builds trust, communicates your message clearly and ultimately leads to sales.

Bad Strategies  

  • You approach your ‘brand’ as nothing more than a name, logo, and colors
  • You hire a designer and photographer without a thoughtful plan in place.
  • You fly through messaging and run with the first idea that hits you.
  • You don’t think twice about market research and competitive analysis.

Bad Results

  • You create an insignificant, empty brand your audience doesn’t care about.
  • You spend a fortune on a designer and feel stuck with what they come up with.
  • ​Your photography doesn't match your brand nor resonate with your audience.
  • ​Your message is generic, uninspired, and even you don’t connect to it.
  • ​You undercharge, overcharge and blow opportunities with your audience.

Smart Strategies  

  • You define the emotions and identity of your brand before bringing it to life.
  • You create a brief for your designer that sets them up for success
  • You research what your audience wants and needs. 
  • You craft a story that attracts your niche, positions your brand and your messaging so it stands out.

Smart Results

  • You build a brand your audience can’t resist.
  • You get exactly what you hoped for out of your designer.
  • Your niche knows what you stand for and wants what you have.
  • ​Prospects feel a deep, emotional connection to you and your brand. 
  • ​You enter the market set up to win. 
As soon as you click the button above you can book a short demo with us. This will let you see how our A-to-Z system applies to your business. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

How To Achieve Smart Results:

Most people think of a brand as surface-level components like its name, logo, and website. While you do need those things, what drives them is underlying ‘heart’. That comes down to what you stand for—and what you stand against.

Put another way, your brand is made up of 3 key factors:

  • (Positive) Emotions 
  • Trust 
  • Identity

Think about brands like Disney, Nike and Apple: Beyond their logos and colors, they make their audience feel something. Disney instills a sense of magic and discovery, Nike makes you feel empowered, and Apple invites you to innovate. 

Take a second to consider what you want your audience to feel … how you want to be portrayed … and who you want to attract. As you do those things, your brand starts to build itself. This is deep work that requires a thoughtful approach.

Plus you’ll craft a website.


Your website serves as the ‘hub’ for your entire brand. This is where people find you. Get your website up and running with an easy-to-use website builder. There are several options out there (or we can do it for you). Stack your site with educational content to boost your authority and attract your ideal audience.


So, What’s The Point?

Your audience needs to feel emotionally connected to your brand. That means your brand is more than a surface-level name, logo, and colors. It has deep meaning based on the core values that ring true to you and your niche.

For your brand to stand out and succeed beyond your wildest dreams, you need to invest the time to define what it stands for and against. If branding is your brand’s ‘heart’, the next step is your brand’s soul...

As soon as you click the button above you can book a short demo with us. This will let you see how our A-to-Z system applies to your business. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

STEP 3 Of 4

Create Your Extraordinary Process™ & Cashflow Offer™

Timeline: Month 2

Discover how to package your expertise into a memorable, systemized product that practically sells itself.


  • Instantly stand out from the crowd by packaging your expertise into your very own Extraordinary Process™; this is the start-to-finish roadmap revealing the steps that deliver the transformation you help your audience go through.
  • ​Craft a high-priced Cashflow Offer™ to get your first buyers, collect feedback, and fund further growth before you perfect your process and create more offers.

Bad Strategies  

  • You create multiple products and offers, then cross your fingers hoping one sells.
  • You build the product you want to; not the product your audience wants.
  • You start selling low-priced offers (instead of a high-priced offer).
  • You never develop a process to deliver consistent, repeatable results.

Bad Results

  • You’re overwhelmed juggling offers and never get consistent sales.
  • You waste tons of time and energy building something nobody wants.
  • You never earn enough to scale your business.
  • ​Results are mixed, refunds are common, and you work more than you did before.

Smart Strategies  

  • Create your Extraordinary Process to be the backbone of your offer(s).
  • Leverage a step-by-step process to build your Cashflow Offer™.
  • Build a product you know your audience wants—and will pay for.
  • Develop a high-ticket offer that funds future growth.

Smart Results

  • You become known for your offer and make good money selling it.
  • You become the go-to brand in your niche and start earning early on. 
  • ​You get all kinds of testimonials and case studies that ignite explosive growth.
  • ​You let your process do the heavy lifting for you and take back your time.
As soon as you click the button above you can book a short demo with us. This will let you see how our A-to-Z system applies to your business. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

How To Achieve Smart Results:

Convert your Extraordinary Process™ into your Cashflow Offer™:

Your Cashflow Offer™ is simply your Extraordinary Process™ offered as a high-ticket coaching program. This high-end offer promises your clients a specific, measurable transformation within a set period of time.

Your goal is to verify that people will buy into your Extraordinary Process™ process and the transformation it delivers. If they buy, great. If they don’t, don’t stress. You made it here at hyper-speed and you haven’t spent time or money on things you don’t need (yet). So rest assured you’re not in a hole nor behind; simply take another stab at your Extraordinary Process™ and proceed from there.

As you get ready to sell your first online offer, it’s fair to wonder if online coaching gets as good of results as in-person coaching. Here’s what our students have to say about that:

“I realized there’s no need to be 100% in person. The connection online is just as strong, sometimes even stronger. They feel a lot safer to be open and ready for results. So digital coaching is not something that should hold anybody back.”

-Glenda Bennett, student

“Now that I can be at home and do everything in one spot, I can reach people in towns and states over. It's not like you to have to be in person with me to get that motivation and accountability. You're able to get it virtually.”

-Kiki Fkiaras, student

“Shifting to online sessions has let me be more focused on my clients. The camera can tell a hell of a lot. It doesn't hide anything. When you're physically with them they can act a certain way and mask things. I think the camera actually brings in more intimacy.”

-Lara Tsitouras, student


So, What’s The Point?

First, you want to define your audience, then discover what urgent problems they have. Of those problems, pinpoint one they’ll pay you to solve for them and create your very own Extraordinary Process™ to guide them from problem to solution. 

With your expertise and passion bundled into a step-by-step process, you can get your very first offer out there to start testing and selling in our next step.

As soon as you click the button above you can book a short demo with us. This will let you see how our A-to-Z system applies to your business. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

STEP 4 Of 4

Launch Your Cashflow Offer™ & Get Your First Sales 

Timeline: Months 3-4 

Discover how to verify demand for your Cashflow Offer™, then start selling and fulfilling it.


  • Begin pre-selling your Cashflow Offer™ to verify demand and nab your first sales.
  • ​Fulfill and streamline your Cashflow Offer™; collect feedback and case studies to optimize your offer.
  • ​Make some cash to fund further growth.
  • ​Build call funnel.

Bad Strategies  

  • You build an offer before you confirm people will buy it.
  • You construct every component of fulfillment before you sell your offer.
  • You launch your business with a low-priced offer.
  • You build a website and content without your offer in mind.

Bad Results

  • You waste months (sometimes years) developing a product nobody buys.
  • You create assets that become useless and put you years behind.
  • You attract an audience that expects freebies and will never pay what you’re worth.
  • ​You make little profit and rack up bills trying to grow and scale.

Smart Strategies  

  • Verify your offer before you spend time and money promoting it.
  • Pre-sell your offer before you build components and assets to deliver it.
  • Start with a high-ticket offer to attract the right clientele and fund rapid growth.

Smart Results

  • You get complete confidence and clarity in what you’re offering.
  • You don’t waste a second going down the wrong path.
  • You have an offer that nearly sells itself early on in your journey.
  • ​You stop worrying about money as big pops of cash burst in.
As soon as you click the button above you can book a short demo with us. This will let you see how our A-to-Z system applies to your business. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

How To Achieve Smart Results:

The average entrepreneur thinks that being online means having a website, webinar, social media channels, and offers. While you do need those things eventually, you don’t need them until you’ve verified your audience wants to buy what you have to sell (your high-ticket offer). In short, you sell your offer before you build the product.

If you’re thinking, ‘who will buy my high-priced product before I’ve even built it?’, the answer is “Innovators.”

In the book Diffusion of Innovations, Everett M. Rogers pinpoints 5 stages of buyers: The first stage is ‘Innovators’. Innovators are risk-takers who get excited by new ideas and possibilities. Better yet, they’re comfortable paying to get their hands on them.

In VP, we show you how to quickly tap into your pre-existing network to generate leads and find a handful of Innovators who are happy to buy your Cashflow Offer™, and better yet, give you valuable feedback to improve it along the way.

This step lets you do a few important things: 

  • Reduce all risk (before you do all the heavy lifting).
  • Attract clients you enjoy working with.
  • ​Get valuable feedback to improve your product and process.
  • ​Generate income that funds future growth.

You’ll  build a Call Funnel. This lets you pre-qualify leads who want to know more about your Cashflow Offer™, giving you the opportunity to tell them all about it on a short call.


So, What’s The Point?

The best way to launch online is to start with a high-priced signature offer (your Extraordinary Process™ bundled into a Cashflow Offer™). This verifies you have an offer people want to buy, generates big pops of cash, and becomes the backbone of your business and future offers.

Now you know the 4 steps to build and launch the foundation for your brand!

As soon as you click the button above you can book a short demo with us. This will let you see how our A-to-Z system applies to your business. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’m just starting out, will this work for me?

Yes! If you’re thinking of starting your own business, are already in business but not quite where you want to be or you’re an established business who wants to rebrand, then this is for you.

We helped hundreds of clients, including fit pros, influencers, authors, speakers, coaches...all the way up to 8 figure businesses that want to clarify their message and impact more lives.

Q: I really need to get clients and bring in cash, will this help me?

The Planner will help you clearly communicate what you do so you attract clients that resonate with you.  

Our most dedicated members are able to launch and start seeing an increase in sales once they premiere their blockbuster brand.

Q: How long does it take to make money?

The only way to make money is to have clear messaging so your audience knows how you serve them. The Planner helps create all your foundational assets, but in no way guarantees any financial results.  Our goal is that you build a base so you are ready to attract clients (and and be confident once they seek you out).

That said, our most dedicated members are able to premiere their brands and increasing deal flow in as little as 90 days.  

Q: Are you going to help me run ads and get leads?

We will help you build a foundation that sets you up to get leads and invest into marketing tactics (ads, challenges, promotions, content, etc). Those things only work after you have a foundation built upon clear messaging. 

Lots of coaching companies will promise you leads, but those leads won’t convert without you first knowing your message, sales funnel and offer are resonating with your intended audience.  

Q: I don’t want to deal with tech or graphics, do you build it for me?

We'll provide Project Blueprints which include fill-in-the-blank templates (emails, website text, funnel pages and cart checkout pages), video scripts (slide decks and on camera videos) and content (webinar, educational videos, ads and lead magnets).   Then the Instruction Manuals will show you step-by-step how to build it all.

However, if tech, copywriting and graphics aren't the best use of your time, you can upgrade to have our team do it for you.  Ask us for more info when you schedule a quick demo call.

Q: What kind of offers does this work for?

Any type!  You need clear messaging if you ever intend to get people excited to learn more about whatever you're offering.  It works all the way from courses, retreats, high ticket offers, merchandise, services, apps....the list is endless.

Q: How is The Planner different than other branding programs?

Great question! Most programs want to focus on the end result…getting clients! 

So they gloss over having you develop a strong message.  Using our step-by-step Blueprints and Instruction Manuals, you have to figure it all out yourself. Then your time with them runs out before you ever get to start attracting clients. The Planner sets you up for success so you can enjoy the process (and not be trapped in your business) once you start getting clients.

Also, our Founder Mike brings his Hollywood expertise of Storytelling and Project Management to make building your brand as streamlined as can be.

Q: I have a limited budget, is this going to cost me an arm and a leg?

I'm sure you can agree that your dreams are worth at least $2.63 a day!  

We know how hard it is to start up an online business, or improve the one you've got.  That's why we've made our system, that clients have paid over $24,000 for, cost just a few dollars a day.  Our goal is to impact as many entrepreneurs as we can, and in order to do that we needed to make our monthly coaching as accessible as can be.

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Does It Really Work?

The Visionary Planner® is designed to get you clear and confident on building/remodeling and premiere your brand (so you are ready to get clients and make an impact).   

Some of our most dedicated members are able to launch a complete brand in as little as 90 days.   

Disclaimer: These testimonials are not expected to be considered as "typical results." These clients worked very hard following our system and worked closely with our coaches. We have had clients join our program, not follow our system and not have results. We unfortunately can't control human nature. The point of these testimonials is to let you hear from people that have had results so you can hear their story.