Improve Enrollment Performance
Get better ROI on Marketing Efforts
Get a Competitive Edge
A sales coach can provide training and guidance to admissions staff to improve their sales skills, streamline the sales process, and implement effective follow-up systems.
This leads to increased enrollments for your school.
By aligning marketing and sales efforts, a sales coach can help your school achieve a better return on investment for your marketing campaigns. They can also provide insights into which marketing strategies are most effective in attracting new students.
In a competitive education industry, hiring a sales coach can give your school a competitive edge. A sales-centric approach to admissions can help you achieve consistent revenue and peace of mind, while ensuring that you don't lose out on admissions to your competitors.
Hi! I’m Tom Schenck
Dear Friend,
I know how stressful it can be when you're struggling to meet your revenue goals. It can keep you up at night and take the joy out of serving your faculty and students. That's why I want to share with you the #1 leverage for success: becoming sales-centric.
Our complete Done-For-You ENROL System is guaranteed to remove the mystery from achieving an abundance of applicants and cash flow. We will work with you to build a bespoke system that is tailored to your institution's unique needs and goals.
If you're interested in learning more about how our ENROL System can transform your admissions process and increase your enrollment, I invite you to join me on an admissions call. Together, we can explore if this system is the right fit for your institution.
Tom Schenck
Tom's Dynamic personality and creative approach helped change our team's mindset from passive to proactive... They became empowered and added over 2,000 more referral sources, and dramatically increased our applications in 3 months!
Director of Residential Admissions George Stevens Academy
Tom. So much of the inspiration behind this creative output, what we are doing now, and what processes we will use moving forward have been heavily influenced by your guidance and inspiration, and most importantly, your encouragement
Tom, It is good to know that you remain committed to 'vanquishing evil' and promoting opportunities for youth around the world to become all that they are to become. Yours is a life well spent. Well done!"
Peter Thorp
Headmaster Emeritus
Tom Schenck is a leader in the field of independent school admissions-a brilliant combination of decades of experience with tried and true approaches with imaginative outside-the-box strategic thinking that's so important in these unprecedented and challenging times.
Tom's careful, attentive, and supportive guidance, along with his ever-upbeat presence, were invaluable to me in my daunting task of doubling our institution's Annual Fund. From dealing with boards to dealing with donors, from the basics of board reports to holistic mantras of encouragement and healthy attitudes, I was empowered with every consultation. Tom's personal experience in the trenches of leadership, institutional operations, and marketing, along with his personal positive energy, make him a gem of an ally.
I have known Tom for forty years and in that time I have developed the highest regard for him as a trusted and valued colleague and a dear friend. He is a man of exceptional kindness, grace, generosity, and achievement. Over the course of his life and career, he has developed the valuable skills of adapting to adversity and problem solving with exemplary self-discipline, open-mindedness, cooperation, and patience. And perhaps Tom's greatest gift is the fact that he never fails to find the inherent good and potential in people and organizations....
Head Of School Stuart Hall School
Regarding the materials you've created, I think you're a master teacher. There is an obvious pedagogical organization that would make any admission officer feel incredibly encouraged and excited by the opportunity to grow. I could hear a rookie or experienced pro looking at this and saying to themselves, "this will take me to the next level; it's the secret sauce that makes some people great!
Throughout my three plus decade tenure as the Head of School of Wasatch Academy I have had the privilege to associate with Tom Schenck as a friend, colleague, employee, and consultant.
Regardless of circumstances Tom maintains a high level of enthusiasm towards life. This attitude nurtures his extraordinary capacity for empathy and forward-thinking when addressing institutional challenges and matters of concern impacting individuals and organizations.
Wasatch Academy has benefitted from his leadership as the Head of Advancement during his five years of service in this role and his wisdom and knowledge as a consultant over the last five years.
Tom's vast experience at Independent Schools as a teacher, coach, admission director, head of advancement, and Head of School gives him a depth of insight regarding school operations and governance invaluable to administrators and trustees.
And you just wish someone would show you the exact steps to get new clients online?
If so, then I’d like to grant your wish…
Because, for a limited time, I want to give you my new workshop that has the power to take your brand from zero to 6 figures…
As quickly as possible.
It’s the same step-by-step strategy that I’ve used to build multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses that let me be my own boss, work where and when I want, and ultimately build a business that provides for my loved ones.
I wanted to launch an online filmmaker academy but had no clue where to even start!
This led me to create a simple, step-by-step system that lets you build your online brand, even if you…
This system pieces together all of the industries ‘best practices’ in order to create a straight-forward, A-to-Z brand building system that works for any business owner who wants to feel creative, instead of overwhelmed.
Best of all, this system works in any niche, including:
…and more!
And it comes with BONUS trainings specific to anyone wanting to sell courses or high ticket offers online.
Today is your day to get one step closer to being your own boss and making a difference in this crazy world.
BTW, I've worked for some blockbuster brands...Imagine what I can do for you!
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what stick rubbing, fire making cavemen would have thought if they were introduced to a lighter…
Or what people, just 30 years ago, would have thought if you told them they can talk to Facetime anyone in the world instantly instead of traveling for days.
We can keep going with examples but we’re sure you get the point by now…
YOU’RE the caveman in your business whether you’d like to admit it or not…
And our System is the time machine that is here to save you and your business by removing all of the trial & error, wasted money, endless hustling, revamping & fine tuning of your message and brand.
All of those focus on one just one piece of the puzzle. Visionary Planner gives you the whole thing!
60% of new businesses fail in the first 3 years. Don't let that be you...
The Planner is designed for small business owners, course creators, coaches and influencers who want to clarify their message and share it.
It works if you're starting out or an established business ready to take your branding to the next level.
1) A Compelling Story
2) A Compelling Character
The reason Hollywood is a billion dollar industry is all thanks to stories centered around compelling characters. Stories capture the hearts and minds of their audience.
A great brand does the same thing.
If you can't communicate what you do, who you do it for and why your audience should pay attention to you...
And if you don't position yourself as a compelling character who can help your audience overcome obstacles, then they simply won't pay attention.
The Visionary Planner helps you clarify your message.
It features Hollywood storytelling techniques from a person who has sold major story concepts to studios, It will help you develop yourself into a compelling character based off the same principles our founder used to bring iconic characters like Ironman, Mickey Mouse, Gollum and Shrek to life.
Your audience is waiting for you. Ready to step on stage?
Instead of piecing together a strategy from other marketing experts (which rarely ever connect), we’ve strategically strung them all together so you can just follow along, feel creative and enjoy the journey.
Your Membership Includes:
Let's face it, you can be your own worst enemy! From second guessing yourself all the way to not feeling anyone will pay you what you're worth, these monthly group sessions will let you feel the love and support of like-minded, heart-centered entrepreneurs all on the same journey as you. ($2388 value)
So many Creators build brands that trap them. This sucks the joy out of impacting others, and steals their time away from making memories with their loved ones.
That's why this workshop helps you map out your Vision for your lifestyle and business. We want to coach you to build a brand that sets you free (instead of trapping you).
You'll get instant access as soon as you enroll!
Simply click the button below now, and get started today for just $1.
You'll get breakout sessions, feedback and masterminding to help you blast through the core concepts of the Planner as fast as possible. Then afterwards you'll get a Personalized Plan that lets you know the exact Projects to focus on.
On A Risk-Free 30-Day Trial...
For Just $1
Or 100% commit to your vision by enrolling in our Blockbuster Brand Workshop that comes with a full year access to the Step-by-Step System, Blueprints, Instruction Manuals and tech & graphic and project reviews from our team.
🖥 Asset Blueprints
🖥 Instruction Manuals
🚀 Orientation Session
🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session
🚀 Fast-Track Workshop
🚀 Personalized Action Plan
🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching
🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls
📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions
📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls
📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions
🖥 Asset Blueprints
🖥 Instruction Manuals
🚀 Orientation Session
🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session
🚀 Fast-Track Workshop
🚀 Personalized Action Plan
🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching
🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls
📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions
📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls
📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions
⚙️ Blockbuster Branding Package
⚙️ Website Build
⚙️ Call Funnel Build
⚙️ Offer Learning Portal Build
🖥 Asset Blueprints
🖥 Instruction Manuals
🚀 Orientation Session
🚀 1-1 Accelerator Session
🚀 Fast-Track Workshop
🚀 Personalized Action Plan
🛎 3 Months Accountability Coaching
🛎 6 Private Accountability Calls
📞 Weekly Implementation Sessions
📞 Weekly Office Hour Calls
📞 Bi-Weekly Sales & Funnel Sessions